Everyone needs help sometimes. Bills can pile up. Money doesn’t go far enough. Making ends meet can be challenging.

Through the California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) and the Family Electric Rate Assistance (FERA) programs, income-qualified Southern California Edison (SCE) customers can receive much-needed relief, in the form of a discount on their electric bill. 

The good news is that effective June 1, income limits for these discount rate programs have increased, meaning more SCE customers may qualify for one of the programs.

“We want to ensure all of our customers know about the programs and services available to them," said  Marlyn Denter, manager, SCE Consumer Affairs. "We're here to help 24/7, and we encourage qualified customers to take advantage of these programs by contacting us directly or through our website."

The CARE program provides a discount of approximately 30 percent on monthly electric bills for eligible customers. And the FERA program gives a reduced monthly discount for income-qualified households of three or more based on energy usage. Rates are structured by the California Public Utilities Commission.

An estimated 1.3 million households are on the CARE program, which represents approximately one-third of households SCE services.

SCE customers can learn more about the rate changes, eligibility requirements and how to apply by visiting SCE at www.sce.com/billhelp or by calling 1-800-655-4555.

“There’s definitely a need within Southern California’s household base,” said Denter.