July 8, 2002
ROSEMEAD, Calif., July 8, 2002-With the first extended heat wave of the year predicted this week, Southern California Edison is reminding customers of the need for electricity conservation.
In order to keep the demand for power down, businesses and consumers should keep their air conditioning thermostats set no lower than 78 degrees, reduce office lighting where possible, and use nonessential business equipment and home appliances ( e.g., clothes washers/dryers, and dishwashers) only in the morning or evening when demand for power is lower.
Businesses, especially industrial and large commercial customers, can help the situation by reducing office lighting, turning off all auxiliary or redundant machinery where possible, and by shifting or staggering operations, if possible.
Following are effective ways customers can reduce their power use and not be greatly inconvenienced:
- Close drapes and blinds to keep out direct sunlight;
- Use electric fans instead of air conditioning;
- Avoid using evaporative coolers or humidifiers at the same time an air conditioner is running;
- Run swimming pool equipment during early morning and evening hours; and
- Limit the reopening of a refrigerator, which is a major user of electricity in most homes.
To view a list of tips for reducing power use and saving money, please visit www.sce.com and click on "Save Energy and Money."
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An Edison International company, Southern California Edison is one of the nation's largest electric utilities, serving a population of more than 12 million via 4.3 million customer accounts in a 50,000-square-mile service area within central, coastal and Southern California. For more information on the California electricity market, see www.sce.com.