October 25, 2006
ROSEMEAD, Calif., Oct. 25, 2006—Southern California Edison (SCE) has been named as one of the top 30 companies in America for ethnic minorities by The Diversity Network, a consulting firm specializing in diversity recruitment.
The companies making the network’s list are named in a special advertising section of the Oct. 30 issue of Fortune magazine, now on sale.
“This national recognition once again acknowledges our commitment to developing and maintaining a work force that not only embraces diversity but also reflects our varied customer base,” said Frank Quevedo, SCE vice president for equal opportunity. “Not only is embracing diversity good business, it also fosters creativity and innovation in the workplace and makes SCE a better place to work.”
In conducting the workplace diversity survey, which did not involve Fortune’s editors and did not numerically rank companies making the list, The Diversity Network polled the Fortune 1,000 and the 200 largest privately held U.S. companies. Numerous factors were considered, among them the number of minorities in the work force and on the board, the rate at which minorities are hired, and a company’s spending with minority-owned businesses.
The Diversity Network, the section said, “examined the extent to which diversity is an integral part of each corporation’s business strategy, and how its top executives are held accountable for their diversity efforts in terms of performance evaluation and compensation.”
At SCE, ethnic minorities make up 47% of the work force, 31.2% of senior officials, managers and high-level professionals, and 54% of new hires.
“We view diversity far beyond the numbers,” said Quevedo. “We recognize the value of providing a work environment where all employees have the opportunity to reach their full potential. This is our ongoing commitment.”
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An Edison International company, Southern California Edison is one of the nation’s largest electric utilities, serving a population of more than 13 million via 4.7 million customer accounts in a 50,000-square-mile service area within central, coastal and Southern California.