September 10, 2004
ROSEMEAD, Calif., Sept. 10, 2004–With Southern California Edison (SCE) supplying a record amount of electricity to its customers this afternoon and power supplies dwindling to approximately 7%, the California Independent System Operator (Cal-ISO) and SCE were calling on customers to conserve power.
At 4 p.m. today, SCE was supplying 20,762 MW of power to its customers. Just last month the utility set a record for electricity usage, 20,518 MW on Aug. 10, a scorching Tuesday. One megawatt is enough power to supply approximately 750 homes.
Cal-ISO, which manages transmission and system reliability for 75% of the state, and SCE reported no major problems securing generation for customers today. SCE’s transmission and distribution system handled the high demand for power without any major disruptions.
Today’s record was achieved as the state encouraged utility customers to “Flex Your Power Now,” a reference to a statewide energy conservation program.
SCE again is urging residential customers to practice energy conservation and take advantage of cost-saving programs available to them. Some effective ways customers can cut their power use, especially during the peak consumption period of noon to 7 p.m., include:
- Set air conditioning thermostats no lower than 78 degrees;
- Turn off unused appliances and equipment;
- Close drapes and blinds to keep out direct sunlight during hot periods;
- Use electric fans instead of air conditioning if practical;
- Avoid using evaporative coolers or humidifiers at the same time an air conditioner is running;
- Operate swimming pool equipment during early morning and evening hours; and
- Limit the opening and reopening of refrigerators, which are major users of electricity in most homes.
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An Edison International (NYSE:EIX) company, Southern California Edison is one of the nation’s largest electric utilities, serving a population of more than 13 million via 4.6 million customer accounts in a 50,000-square-mile service area within central, coastal and Southern California.