150 萬美元的Edison Scholars 獎學金計畫接受申请
October 1, 2024電網必須迅速發展才能在 2045 年之前實現加州淨零排放目標
September 19, 2023Southern California Edison 改善電網安全, 大幅減少森林火災威脅
April 26, 2023Edison International 線路工人獎學金計畫開始接受申請
March 10, 2023SCE 客戶將在未來幾週內獲得帳單減免
February 8, 2023SCE 客戶透過加州對抗氣候變遷計畫 獲得 $59 的 4 月帳單抵扣額
April 13, 2022Southern California Edison提呈森林火災減滅計畫的年度更新
February 18, 2022將為符合資格的 SCE 客戶提供疫情期間電費欠費補助
February 7, 2022金額高達120 萬美元的2022 年 Edison Scholars 獎學金計劃申請期現已開始
October 13, 2021SCE 啟動醫療用電補助計畫 客戶註冊活動
April 27, 2021Media Hotline
for journalists only
SCE media representatives can be reached by calling our media hotline:
(626) 302-2255 or email us
Chinese, Korean and Spanish-speaking spokespersons are available for interviews.
For all other inquiries, please contact Customer Support: (800) 655-4555